Thursday, September 20, 2012

Categorized List of Scripture as pertaining to God's law

Genesis 2:1-3- The first Sabbath

Exodus 16:4-5- Sabbath Before the Law
Exodus 16:24-26- Sabbath before the Law
Exodus 20:8-11- Actual Sabbath Command
Exodus-31:13- Sabbath is Forever
Exodus-31:16 Sabbath is for Everyone
Exodus 31:17-Sabbath is a sign between God and Israel forever

Leviticus 23:1-3 The Sabbath is an appointed time of God
2 Kings 11:5-11 Guards on the Sabbath.

Nehemiah 10:31 Sabbath no buy or sell
Nehemiah 13:15-22 - safeguarding the Shabbat

Isaiah-56:2- Sabbath is blessing forever.
Isaiah 56:2-8 Foreigners on holy mountain, keep Sabbath, not separate
Isaiah-58:13-Don't go your own way on Sabbath
Isaiah 66:22-23-Sabbath is for ALL generations
Isaiah 66:22-24- New moon and Sabbath in heaven

Jeremiah17:19-27 Obey the Sabbath
Ezekiel-44:23-24- Keep the Law, Feasts, and Sabbaths

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God. (Sabbath is appointed)

Matthew-12:8- Jesus is lord (institutor) of the Sabbath (why would he abolish it)
Matthew-12:10-12- Jesus follows Commands of God by healing on the Sabbath
Matthew 24:20-21-The Sabbath will still be in effect at the end of Days

Mark-2:23-28- Jesus states specific parts of Torah are of Higher regard than others.

Luke-4:16- Jesus Kept the Sabbath, as his custom
Luke-13:10-16-Jesus upholds The Torah by healing on the Sabbath
Luke-14:1-5-Jesus again up holds Torah by healing on the Sabbath
Luke-23:52-56-After the Cross, people still kept Sabbath

John-5:8-10-It is Lawful to do Good on Sabbath

Acts 13:42-44-Sabbath for Jews & Gentiles, kept long after the Cross
Acts 18:4-Sabbath still kept after cross

Hebrews-4:9-11-The Sabbath Remains don’t be disobedient

Unchanging God:
Exodus-3:14- God doesn't Change

Numbers-23:19-God doesn't Change

1 Samuel-15:29-God doesn’t Change

Psalm 89:34-God refuses to Change his word
Psalms- 102:27- God doesn't Change

Isaiah 31:2 God doesn't retract his word
Isaiah 40:8- God’s word is forever

Malachi 3:6- God doesn’t change

Hebrews-13:8-Jesus Doesn't Change

James-1:17-God doesn't Change

Clean & Unclean:
Genesis 7:2- Noah knew the difference between clean and unclean long before the Law

Leviticus 11 – Dietary guidelines of what is and isn’t food

Deuteronomy 14- Dietary laws

Isaiah 65 - Swines flesh eating provokes God.
Isaiah 66:16-18- Judgments for eating swine’s flesh- Jesus destroys people

Acts 10:17- peter was confused about the vision
Acts 10:28- Peter sees that the vision was about calling men unclean
Acts 10:34- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean
Acts 11- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean

Romans 14:21- Weak in the faith eat veggies.

1 Corinthians 8:9-13- The weak in the faith issue is meat sacrificed to idols.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18- Command against being unclean

Leviticus 11:44 - be holy as he is holy

Psalms-119:9-11- how to keep Pure

Matthew 5:48 Be perfect and Jesus is perfect

1 Peter -1:15-16- Be Holy as HE is holy

Ephesians 5:27- Be holy and faultless

1 John- 2:6- Walk as Jesus Walked

Deuteronomy 6:5- Love God with all your heart
Deuteronomy- 6:4-9- Love neighbor as self
 Deuteronomy 11:13- Love God with all your heart and Soul

Leviticus-19:18-Love neighbor as self

Matthew-22:35-40-Jesus quotes the V'hafta ( you shall love…)

Mark 12:32-34 – Love is worth more than Sacrifice

John-14:15-If you love him you obey his commands
John-14:21- If you love him you obey his commands
John 15:10-Obey commands to remain in his love

Romans-7:22- Paul Loves God's Law

1 John 2:3-4-If we say we love, but don't follow commands we're lying and don't have truth

Wisdom/ Knowledge:
Psalm 51:6- Links truth to wisdom (see truth)

Hosea 4:6- Law Is Knowledge, perish for lack of it.

Romans-2:20- The Law is Knowledge and Truth.

Proverbs 6:23- The commands are a lamp, the teaching is light

Isaiah 8:20- Hold to the law and the testimony and you have light

John 3:20-21- Truth is light, and opposed to evil

Ephesians 5:8-10 – Be in Light, which is Truth

Psalm 25:4-6- God’s path is Truth
Psalm 26:2-4 – God’s path is Truth
Psalm 119:43- Truth is Law
Psalms-119: 160- Ordinances/laws are forever and equal truth
Psalms-119:163- Law is contrary to falsehood

Daniel 9:13- God’s Law is Truth

Isaiah 45:19- God’s word is Truth

Matthew 22:16- Jesus teaches truth

Mark 12:14- Jesus teaches truth, God’s ways

Luke 20:21- Jesus teaches truth

John 1:14 – Jesus is full of Grace and Truth-word made flesh
John 3:20-21- Truth is light, and opposed to evil
John 4:23-24 Worship in spirit and truth (see Spirit)
John 8:42-47- Truth is of God, lies are of the devil, -Jesus is sinless
John 17:17- God’s word is Truth

Acts 6:10-15- False witnesses say Stephen And Jesus taught against Law

Ephesians 5:8-10 – Be in Light, which is Truth
 Ephesians 6:14- Belt of Truth, part of God’s armor

Acts-6:13- False witnesses say Stephen taught against God's Law

Romans-2:20- The Law is Knowledge and Truth.

1 John 2:3-4-If we say we love, but don't follow commands we're lying and don't have truth

2 Timothy 4:3-5- hold to the Truth

The Spirit:
Exodus 35:30-32 Holy Spirit given before Acts

Numbers 11:24-30 Holy Spirit given before Acts
 Numbers 27:18 Holy Spirit given before Acts

Judges 3:10 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges 6:34 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges  11:29 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges 15:14 Holy Spirit given before Acts

1 Sam. 11:6 Holy Spirit given before Acts
1 Sam. 16:13 Holy Spirit given before Acts
 Nehemiah 9:30 Holy Spirit given before Acts

1 Peter 1:11 Holy Spirit given before Acts

Isa. 63:10 Israel had the Holy Spirit before Acts

Zech. 4:6 Testifies of the Holy Spirit

Romans 7:14-Law is spiritual

One Law:
Exodus-12:38- Mixed Multitude accepted the Law
Exodus 12:49- One Law for everyone
Exodus-19:8- Mixed Multitude agrees to walk in Gods Law

Numbers 9:14- One Law for every one
Numbers 15:15- One law for everyone, perpetually through generations
Numbers 15:16- One law for everyone
Numbers 15:29-One law for everyone

Deuteronomy 31:9-13 - The Law is for all people, Israel includes Alien

Ecclesiasties-12:13- Commands are for all

Matthew 15:24- Jesus only came for the lost sheep of Israel

Acts 10:17- peter was confused about the vision
Acts 10:28- The vision was about calling men unclean (God doesn’t separate gentiles)
Acts 10:34- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean (God doesn’t separate gentiles)
Acts 11- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean(God doesn’t separate gentiles)
Acts 15:21- Moses is preached every week in the synagogues ( In regard to Gentiles turning to God)
Acts-24:14- Believers Of Christ still a sect of Judaism
Acts-24:14-15-Paul Obeys God's Law
Acts-25:8-Paul doesn't Violate the Law's OR customs
Acts 26:4-5- Paul lived his life according to the strictest of Pharisaic teaching
Acts 28:17- Paul did not violate the customs of his ancestors
Acts-28:22- Still a sect of Judaism
Acts-28:23-Paul Teaches With Torah (God's Law/instructions)
Acts-24:18- Paul is ceremonially clean

1 Corinthians 7:19-All that matters Are God's commands
1 Corinthians 9:21- Paul admits he is under God's law

Romans 7:25- Paul is a slave to God's law-to which sin opposes
Romans-11:13-17- We are grafted into Israel
Romans 2:28-29-We are a Jew by our hearts.
Romans -4:16 We are Abrahams seed

Galatians 3:29- In Christ we are part of Abrahams seed.

Ephesians-2:19- We are grafted into Israel


Exodus-34:6-7- Saved by Grace

Psalms 49:2 Grace in the Old Testament
Psalms 84:11 Grace in the Old Testament
Psalms 86:5- Grace in the Old Testament
Psalms 103:4 – Grace in the old Testament
Psalms 103:11- grace in the Old Testament
Psalms 103:17 Grace in the Old testament
Psalms 130:4 – Grace is in the Old testament
Psalms 130:7- Grace in the Old testament
Proverbs 3:34- Grace in the old Testament

Isaiah 26:10- God shows Grace ( see NT )

Romans-6:1-2-Sin so grace increases? NO!
Romans 6:15-Sin because we are under grace? NO!

Titus-2:11-14- Grace teaches to deny lawlessness.

Ezra 9:8 - Grace in the Old Testament.


Genesis 15:6  -Abraham Saved through faith

Romans 3:31- Faith doesn’t nullify God's Law, but Establishes It

James 2:19-20-Faith without deeds is dead
James 2:26-Faith without works is dead

Law & Commands:
Genesis 26:5- Abraham Kept God’s law and commands

Deuteronomy -4:2- Don't add or take away from Commandments
Deuteronomy 5:29-33- Keep commands always, forever.
Deuteronomy 11:1- Keep the commands –ALWAYS
Deuteronomy-12:32- Don’t take or add to Commandments
Deuteronomy-30:11- We can do the Law
Deuteronomy-30:14- The Law is do-able

Joshua-1 :7- Do follow the Law and be successful
Joshua 1 :8- Do follow the Law and be successful

Psalm 1:1-2 –Blessed is the man who meditates on the Law

Psalm 19:7- Law is Perfect
Psalm 37:31- Law on hearts
Psalms 40:8- Delight in law, law on heart of David
Psalms 111:7-8-Precepts of God [Law] are forever and are just.
Psalms 119:1-Blessed are those who walk In the Law
Psalms 119:89- God's word is forever
Psalms 119: God’s testimonies/ordinances, last forever
Psalms 119: 160- Ordinances/laws are forever and equal truth
Psalms 119:44-45- Law is liberty
Psalm 119:81-88 David waits for salvation, as he holds to God’s law.

Proverbs - 28:9-Ignoring God's Law makes your prayers an abomination
Proverbs-29:18- The Law grants Vision
Proverbs-30:5-6-God's word is flawless

Isaiah-2:2-3- In the last Days, The Law will spread from Zion
Isaiah 5:24- destruction for those who violate the law.
Isaiah- 42:21- Lord is pleased in making the Law Great and Glorious
Isaiah- 42:24- God pours anger on those who violate God's law

Jeremiah- 7:21-23- God of Israel says to obey all that he commands
Jeremiah-31:33-God writes His Law on our hearts

Ezekiel-36:26-27-God writes His Law on our hearts

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.

Malachi-4:4-5- Remember and Keep the Law until Judgment day

Matthew-5:18- God's Law is Forever
Matthew-5:19- Those who break the law and teach others to are Least in kingdom
Matthew-23:23- Mercy Justice and faithfulness are part of law/Neglect nothing
Matthew 28:19-20 –Teach all that Jesus Commanded

Mark-7:6-9 Jesus Rebukes those who set aside the commands of God for sake of tradition
Mark7:13- Jesus rebukes Pharisees for holding tradition above commands

Luke-24:27- God's Torah points to Salvation

John-14:15-If you love him you obey his commands
John-14:21- If you love him you obey his commands
John 15:10-Obey commands to remain in his love

1 Corinthians 7:19-All that matters Are God's commands

Romans-7:12- God's Law is Holy Righteous and Good
Romans 7:13- Law didn't become death
Romans 13:9-10-All commands lumped into one.

Hebrews- 10:1- Law is a shadow of the good things to come
Hebrews 10:26-29-Lawlessness will be judges harshly

James 1:25-Law is perfect and gives freedom
James 2:12-Speak and act like you are to be judged by the law that gives freedom.

1 John-3:4- Sin Is Lawlessness
1 John-3:24- God Writes His Law on our Hearts
1 John-5:3- The Law Isn't a Burden, how we love God

1 Corinthians 14:37-Paul writes the lords commandments
Colossians 2:17- Law is a shadow of what is to come

Misc. :
Exodus-34:8-9- 1st Sinners Prayer

Numbers 6- Nazerite vow
Numbers 12:6-8- God speaks strait to Moses

Deuteronomy -8:3-Don't live on Bread Alone
Deuteronomy 14:26- God says drinking is ok
Deuteronomy- 18:18 God will raise a Prophet and put His words in his mouth (John 8:28)
Deuteronomy 27:2-3- All the commands were written in stone

Proverbs 31:6- 7- Let poor people drink

 Isaiah 66:21-23 – New Heaven and new earth

Jeremiah-10:2-5 - Christmas trees are pagan

Ezekiel 3:18- Warn people from sin, or their blood is on your hands
Ezekiel- 4:14-16 –Turd Bread, just as Peters Vision

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.

Malachi 2:3- God spreads crap on faces of false

Luke–1:43- Baby’s in a womb… baby is alive.

Matthew-7:13-14-Enter thought the Narrow gate.
Mathew 11:30- Jesus has a light yoke
Matthew-22:35-40-Jesus quotes the V'hafta
Matthew-24:35- Heaven and earth will pass away but not His words

Mark 7:21-22- The heart is Deceitful

John 5:19 Jesus only does as his father does
John 16:1-3- Someday they will start killing people, thinking that they are doing God's will.

Acts 20:7-First day starts Saturday night, Paul preached until midnight.
Acts-18:18- Paul does a Vow (see Numbers 6)to show he doesn't teach against Law

Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful

Romans-8:6- The Sinful mind can't please God

Colossians- 2:9- All Deity is In Christ

2 Timothy-3:14-17- Sacred scriptures are good for rebuke, reproof, encouragement
2 Timothy 4:3-4-People turn from truth to itching ears doctrine.

James-4:17-To know good and refrain, is sin

2 Peter- 3:14-17- Paul's writings are hard to understand, Interpreted as Lawlessness (Niv)

2 Peter- 3:10- Heaven and Earth have not Passed away yet
2 Peter 3:14- Heaven and earth have not passed away

Revelation 21:1- When the new heaven and new earth appear
Revelation-2:26-Overcomers guard words-do works and get authority over nations
Revelation-22:14- Happy are command Keepers

Deuteronomy 29:9-15- Covenant made with people who were not there.

Jeremiah 32:40- The New covenant

John 8:39 - if you are descendents of Abraham, do his deeds

Romans -4:16- We are Abrahams seed
Romans-11:13-17- We are grafted into Israel

Galatians 3:29- In Christ we are part of Abrahams seed.
Galatians 3:17- Both covenants are dependant on each other

Ephesians-2:19- We are grafted into Israel

Hebrews- 10:16- Law on hearts/New covenant

Leviticus 7:16- you can give just because you feel like it. (Sacrifice)

1 Samuel 15:22 – It is better to obey God than to sacrifice

Hosea 6:6- God desires obedience more than sacrifice

Zechariah-14:16-21- Sacrifices in the millennial kingdom

Mark 12:32-34 – Love is worth more than Sacrifice

Acts 10:4 - Prayers and gifts to the poor are offerings
Acts-18:18- Paul does a Vow (see Numbers 6)
Acts 21:17-26 - Paul Doing the Vow to show Law Submission
Acts-24:18- Paul is ceremonially clean

Revelation-5:8- Our Prayers are our Offerings
Revelation- 8:3- Our prayers are our Offerings
Revelation-8:4- Our Prayers are our Offerings

Hebrews 11:4- Sacrifices were before the law
Hebrews-10:4- Sacrifices were never to take away sins

Leviticus 26:41- Circumcise your heart

Deuteronomy 10:16- Circumcised Hearts
Deuteronomy 30:6- God will circumcise your heart

Jeremiah 4:4- Circumcised hearts

Acts 16:3 Paul circumcised Timothy

Romans 2:28-29-We are a Jew by our hearts.

Prophecy :
Isaiah-2:2-3- In the last Days, The Law will spread from Zion
Isaiah 5:24- destruction for those who violate the law.
Isaiah-56:6-8- Sacrifices in the millennial Kingdom
Isaiah 24:5-Violation of God's law spoils the land
Isaiah 65 - Swines flesh eating provokes God.
Isaiah 66:16-18- Judgments for eating swine’s flesh- Jesus destroys people
Isaiah 66:21-23 – New Heaven and new earth
Isaiah 66:22-24- New moon and Sabbath in heaven

Jeremiah-31:33-God writes His Law on our hearts
Jeremiah 32:40- The New covenant

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.

Zechariah-14:16-21- Sacrifices in the millennial kingdom

Malachi-4:4-5- Remember and Keep the Law until Judgment day

Revelation 21:1- When the new heaven and new earth appear

God Tests Hearts:
Exodus 16:4- God tests Israel to see if they will follow Commands
Exodus 20:20- God tests men to keep them from sin

Deuteronomy8:2- God tests Israel to see if they will follow commands
Deuteronomy 8:16- God tests Israel to see if they will obey commands

Judges2:22- God tests Israel to see if they will obey commands
Judges 3:1- God tests Israel
Judges 3:4 -God tests Israel to see if they will obey commands

2 Chronicles 32:31- God tests people to see what is in their hearts

Ezekiel 4:14-16 –Turd Bread, just as Peters Vision

 Jesus & The Law of God:
Psalms 118:14 king David knows that Jesus is the way to salvation
Psalms-119:166- David hopes for salvation, as he delights in commandments
Psalms 130 King David looks forward to the Salvation of Christ
Psalm 119:81-88 David waits for salvation, as he holds to God’s law.

Isaiah-42:1-4-Jesus Came to uphold Law

Deuteronomy- 18:18 God will raise a Prophet and put His words in his mouth (John 8:28)

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.

Matthew- 5:17-19-Jesus didn’t abolish Law, Those saying he did will be called least
Matthew 5:48 Be perfect and Jesus is perfect
Matthew-7:21-23- Depart workers of Lawlessness, I don't know you
Mathew 11:30- Jesus has a light yoke
Matthew 12:1-5-Jesus Clarifies an Oral tradition and Torah ( king David, Wheat)
Matthew 15:24- Jesus only came for the lost sheep of Israel ( Includes gentiles)
Matthew-22:35-40-Jesus quotes the V'hafta
Matthew-23:2-3- Obey Scribes and Pharisees but don’t be a hypocrite
Matthew-23:23- Mercy Justice and faithfulness are part of law/Neglect nothing
Matthew-24:35- Heaven and earth will pass away but not His words
Matthew 28:19-20 –Teach all that Jesus Commanded

Mark-2:23-28- Jesus states specific parts of Torah are of Higher regard than others.
Mark-7:6-9 Jesus Rebukes those who set aside the commands of God for sake of tradition
Mark7:13- Jesus rebukes Pharisees for holding tradition above commands

Luke 6:40- No Disciple is above his Teacher (Jesus submits to God’s word)
Luke-16:29-31-If you don't follow Moses, Why would you Jesus.
Luke-24:44- Torah Points to Jesus

John 1:14 – Jesus is full of Grace and Truth-word made flesh (see truth)
John 5:46-47- Jesus Preached Moses (Law)
John 7:16- Jesus' teachings are God's teachings
John 8:28 Jesus only said what God has instructed his to say.
John 10:37- If Jesus doesn't follow Torah, don't believe him
John 12:49- Jesus only Does as God has said
John 14:12 – If you have faith in Jesus, you are to do what he does.

Revelation-3:15-16- Because of works be hot or cold or Jesus Pukes you.
Revelation 12:17-Satan hates those who follow the Law
Revelation-14:12- Keep the commands with faith in Jesus

...This is an on going work in progress

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh you know.. Just some study notes

Genesis 1:2 The Holy Spirit has always been there.
Genesis 2:1-3-The first Sabbath
Genesis 6:20-21 God tells Noah to keep the animals alive and for him to eat what they eat.
Genesis 7:2 - Noah knew the difference between clean and unclean long before the Law
Genesis 7:3 - God tells Noah to keep animals alive
Genesis 8:17  God tells Noah to let the Animals breed
Genesis 9:3 God re-permits the eating of animals.
Genesis 15:6 - Abraham Saved through faith
Genesis 26:5 - Abraham Kept God’s law and commands

Exodus 3:14- God doesn't Change
Exodus 12:38- Mixed Multitude accepted the Law
Exodus 12:49- One Law for everyone
Exodus 14:13- Israel's Salvation
Exodus 16:4- God tests Israel to see if they will follow Commands
Exodus 16:4-5- Sabbath Before the Law
Exodus 16:24-26- Sabbath before the Law
Exodus 19:8- Mixed Multitude agrees to walk in Gods Law
Exodus 20:8-11- Actual Sabbath Command
Exodus 20:20- God tests men to keep them from sin
Exodus 21:16 Death penalty for enslaving people
Exodus 31:3 Filled with the Spirit
Exodus 31:13- Sabbath is Forever
Exodus 31:16 Sabbath is for Everyone
Exodus 31:17-Sabbath is a sign between God and Israel forever
Exodus 32:2-5 The golden calf was a worshiping God the wrong way
Exodus 34:6-7- Saved by Grace
Exodus 34:8-9- 1st Sinners Prayer
Exodus 35:30-32 Holy Spirit given before Acts

Leviticus 7:16- you can give just because you feel like it. (Sacrifice)
Leviticus 11 – Dietary guidelines of what is and isn’t food
Leviticus 11:44 - be holy as he is holy
Leviticus 17:8  Sacrifices for Hebrew and Alien
Leviticus 17:10-13 Blood abstention for Hebrew and Alien
Leviticus 17:15 (NOT NIV) clarify Deut 14 dead animals.
Leviticus 18:26  One law for Jew and Gentile
Leviticus 19:18-Love neighbor as self
Leviticus 19:34 The Alien shall be as the Israelite
Leviticus 22:18-21 Same Laws on offerings for Israelite and Alien
Leviticus 23:1-3 The Sabbath is an appointed time of God
Leviticus 24:10-11 Egyptian Israelite from mixed multitude
Leviticus 24:16 Same law for Israelite and
Leviticus 24:22 - One law for Jew and Gentile
Leviticus 25 Sabbaths and jubilees
Leviticus 26:41- Circumcise your heart

Numbers 6- Nazerite vow
Numbers 9:14- One Law for every one
Numbers 11:17 Filled with the Spirit
Numbers 11:24-30 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Numbers 12:6-8- God speaks strait to Moses
Numbers 15:15- One law for everyone, perpetually through generations
Numbers 15:16- One law for everyone
Numbers 15:29-One law for everyone
Numbers 15:30 Same Law for Alien and Israel against blaspheme
Numbers 23:19-God doesn't Change
Numbers 27:18 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Numbers 35:15 Sanctuary cities for Israelite and Alien

Deuteronomy  4:2- Don't add or take away from Commandments
Deuteronomy 5:29-33- Keep commands always, forever.
Deuteronomy 6:5- Love God with all your heart
Deuteronomy 6:4-9- Love neighbor as self
Deuteronomy 8:2- God tests Israel to see if they will follow commands
Deuteronomy 8:3- Live on every word of the Lord, not bread alone
Deuteronomy 10:12-13 Commands are good
Deuteronomy 10:16 – Circumcised hearts
Deuteronomy 11:1 Love God- Keep His commands, statutes, ordinances
Deuteronomy 11:13-17 Refusal to Love and obey God = no rain, like in Millennium
Deuteronomy 12:29-32 -Don't worship God in the ways pagans worship theirs.
Deuteronomy 14- Dietary laws 
Deuteronomy 14:26- God says drinking is ok
Deuteronomy 16:13-15 Sukkot is for All people
Deuteronomy 18:18 God will raise a Prophet and put His words in his mouth (John 8:28)
Deuteronomy 26:10 Aliens keep first fruits just like the Israelite
Deuteronomy 27:2-3- All the commands were written in stone
Deuteronomy 29:9-15- Covenant made with people who were not there.
Deuteronomy 30:6- God will circumcise your heart
Deuteronomy 30:11- We can do the Law
Deuteronomy 30:14- The Law is do-able
Deuteronomy 31:9-13 - The Law is for all people (Defines Israel as with Alien, Man, Woman, Child.)

Judges 2:12-14 following other gods provokes God
Judges 2:22- God tests Israel to see if they will obey commands
Judges 3:1- God tests Israel
Judges 3:4 -God tests Israel to see if they will obey commands
Judges 3:10 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges 6:34 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges  11:29 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges 13:17-22 Christ in the OT/ Divine/ Seen His face.
Judges 15:14 Holy Spirit given before Acts

2 Chronicles 32:31- God tests people to see what is in their hearts

Joshua 1 :7- Do follow the Law and be successful
Joshua 1 :8- Do follow the Law and be successful
Joshua 8:33 The stranger is Israel.

1 Samuel 15:22 – It is better to obey God than to sacrifice
1 Samuel 15:29-God doesn’t Change
1 Sam. 11:6 Holy Spirit given before Acts
1 Sam. 16:13 Holy Spirit given before Acts

1 Kings 2:2-3 Keeping the Law is Manly

2 Kings 11:5-11 Guards on the Sabbath.

Nehemiah 9:13 Law is Just, Commands are Good
Nehemiah 9:30 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Nehemiah 10:31 Sabbath no buy or sell
Nehemiah 13:15-22 - safeguarding the Shabbat
Job 14:4  Paganism can’t be "redeemed" by Christian iconography

Psalm 1:1-2 –Blessed is the man who meditates on the Law
Psalm 19:7- Law is Perfect
Psalm 25:4-6- God’s path is Truth
Psalm 26:2-4 – God’s path is Truth
Psalm 37:31- Law on hearts
Psalm 40:8- Delight in law, law on heart of David
Psalm 51:6- Links truth to wisdom
Psalm 69:30-31 – Prayers and Praise are a better sacrifice
Psalm 81:3-5 Joseph kept feast before Law
Psalm  86:5- Grace in the Old Testament
Psalm 89:34-God refuses to Change his word
Psalm 102:27- God doesn't Change
Psalm 103:4 – Grace in the old Testament
Psalm 103:11- grace in the Old Testament
Psalm 103:17 Grace in the Old testament
Psalm 111:7-8-Precepts of God [Law] are forever and are just.
Psalm 118:14 king David knows that Jesus is the way to salvation
Psalm 119:1-Blessed are those who walk In the Law
Psalm 119:9-11- how to keep Pure
Psalm 119:43- Truth is Law
Psalm 119:44-45- Law is liberty
Psalm 119:81- David waits for salvation, as he holds to God’s law.
Psalm 119:89- God's word is forever
Psalm 119:92 God’s Law is a Delight
Psalm 119:98 Commands of God make one wiser than enemies
Psalm 119:123 King David looks forward to salvation as he delights in Law
Psalm 119:131-132 David loves God’s Commands and Grace
Psalm 119:142 God’s testimonies/ordinances, last forever
Psalm 119:151 All the Commands are Truth
Psalm 119:152 God’s testimonies/ Law are forever
Psalm 119:160- Ordinances/laws are forever and equal truth
Psalm 119:163- Law is contrary to falsehood
Psalm 119:166- David hopes for salvation, as he delights in commandments
Psalm 130 King David looks forward to the Salvation of Christ
Psalm 130:4 – Grace is in the Old testament
Psalm 130:7- Grace in the Old testament

Proverbs 3:34- Grace in the old Testament
Proverbs 6:23- The commands are a lamp, the teaching is light
Proverbs 13:13  Dispising Law is debt,  Cross ref with Col 2 - Certificate of debt.
Proverbs 28:9-Ignoring God's Law makes your prayers an abomination
Proverbs 29:18- The Law grants Vision
Proverbs 30:5-6-God's word is flawless
Proverbs 31:6- 7- Let poor people drink

Ecclesiastes 12:13- Commands are for all

Isaiah 2:2-3- In the last Days, The Law will spread from Zion
Isaiah 5:24- destruction for those who violate the law.
Isaiah 8:20- Hold to the law and the testimony and you have light
Isaiah 24:5-Violation of God's law spoils the land
Isaiah 26:10- God shows Grace
Isaiah 31:2 God doesn't retract his word
Isaiah 40:8- God’s word is forever
Isaiah 42:1-4-Jesus Came to uphold Law
Isaiah  42:21- Lord is pleased in making the Law Great and Glorious
Isaiah 42:24- God pours anger on those who violate God's law
Isaiah 43:10-11 - Yeshua is God/ Divine
Isaiah 45:19- God’s word is Truth
Isaiah 51:7 Don't be dismayed for following the Law when people mock
Isaiah 56:2- Sabbath is blessing forever.
Isaiah 56:2-8 Foreigners on holy mountain, keep Sabbath, not separate
Isaiah 56:6-8- Sacrifices in the millennial Kingdom
Isaiah 58:13-Don't go your own way on Sabbath
Isaiah 63:10-14 Israel had the Holy Spirit before Acts
Isaiah 65 - Swines flesh eating provokes God.
Isaiah 66:16-18- Judgments for eating swine’s flesh- Jesus destroys people
Isaiah 66:21-23 – New Heaven and new earth
Isaiah 66:22-23-Sabbath is for ALL generations
Isaiah 66:22-24- New moon and Sabbath in heaven

Jonah 2:8- Grace in the old Testament/ Clinging to Idols forfeit Grace.
Jonah 3:10 –Grace in the OT
Jonah 4:2 Grace in the OT
Jonah 4:9-11 Grace in the OT

Jeremiah 4:4- circumcised hearts
Jeremiah 7:21-23- God of Israel says to obey all that he commands
Jeremiah 10:2-5 - Christmas trees are pagan
Jeremiah17:19-27 Obey the Sabbath
Jeremiah 31:33-God writes His Law on our hearts
Jeremiah 32:40- The New covenant
Jeremiah 33:14-18 Sacrifices in the Millennial reign

Ezekiel 3:18- Warn people from sin, or their blood is on your hands
Ezekiel 4:14-16 –Turd Bread, just as Peters Vision
Ezekiel 11:17-21 Spirit = commands on heart/ abominations = Condemnation
Ezekiel 22:26-29 Violence against Law, False visions
Ezekiel 36:26-27-God writes His Law on our hearts
Ezekiel 44:23-24- Keep the Law, Feasts, and Sabbaths
Ezekiel 47:21-23 Gentiles get Israel inheritance

Daniel 7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.
Daniel 9:13- God’s Law is Truth

Hosea 4:6- Law Is Knowledge, perish for lack of it.
Hosea 6:6- God desires obedience more than sacrifice
Hosea 14:2-4 Lips substitute for the Bulls and Sacrifices?

Amos 3:7 God does nothing without telling prophets, where is doing away with Law or making animals clean

Habakkuk 2:4 The Righteous live by Faith

Zechariah 7:12- Spirit writes the Law
Zechariah 12 1&10 YHVH is the one who was pierced
Zechariah 14:16-21- Sacrifices in the millennial kingdom

Malachi 2:3- God spreads crap on faces of false
Malachi 3:6- God doesn’t change
Malachi 4:4-5- Remember and Keep the Law until Judgment day

Matthew  5:17-19-Jesus didn’t abolish Law, Those saying he did will be called least
Matthew 5:18- God's Law is Forever
Matthew 5:19- Those who break the law and teach others to are Least in kingdom
Matthew 5:48 Be perfect and Jesus is perfect
Matthew 7:13-14-Enter thought the Narrow gate.
Matthew 7:21-23- Depart workers of Lawlessness, I don't know you
Matthew 11:30- Jesus has a light yoke
Matthew 12:1-5-Jesus Clarifies an Oral tradition and Torah ( king David, Wheat)
Matthew 12:8- Jesus is lord (instituter) of the Sabbath (why would he abolish it)
Matthew 12:10-12- Jesus follows Torah and heals on the Sabbath
Matthew 15:1-14 Jesus rebukes Pharisees for adding to commands/ not follow commands.
Matthew 15:24- Jesus only came for the lost sheep of Israel
Matthew 22:16-Jesus teaches truth
Matthew 22:35-40-Jesus quotes the Shema and the V'hafta
Matthew 23:2-3- Obey Scribes and Pharisees
Matthew 23:23- Mercy Justice and faithfulness are part of law/Neglect nothing
Matthew 24:20-21-The Sabbath will still be in effect at the end of Days
Matthew 24:35- Heaven and earth will pass away but not His words
Matthew 28:19-20 –Teach all that Jesus Commanded

Mark 2:23-28- Jesus states specific parts of Torah are of Higher regard than others.
Mark 7:6-9 Jesus Rebukes those who set aside the commands of God for sake of tradition
Mark 7:13- Jesus rebukes Pharisees for holding tradition above commands
Mark 7:21-22- The heart is Deceitful
Mark 12:14- Jesus teaches truth, God’s ways
Mark 12:32-34 – Love is worth more than Sacrifice

Luke 1:43- Baby’s in a womb… baby is alive.
Luke 4:16- Jesus Kept the Sabbath, as his custom
Luke 6:40- No Disciple is above his Teacher (Jesus submits to God’s word)
Luke 13:10-16-Jesus upholds The Torah by healing on the Sabbath
Luke 14:1-5-Jesus again up holds Torah by healing on the Sabbath
Luke 16:17 Easier for heaven and earth to pass away than the Law to fail.
Luke 16:29-31-If you don't follow Moses, Why would you Jesus.
Luke 20:21- Jesus teaches truth
Luke 23:52-56-After the Cross, people still kept Sabbath
Luke 24:27- God's Torah leads to Salvation
Luke 24:44- Torah Points to Jesus

John 1:14 – Jesus is full of Grace and Truth-word made flesh
John 3:20-21 Truth is light, and opposed to evil
John 4:23-24 Worship in spirit and truth
John-5:8-10 It is Lawful to do Good on Sabbath
John 5:19 Jesus only does as his father does
John 5:46-47 Jesus Preached Moses (Law)
John 7:16 Jesus' teachings are God's teachings
John 7:24 Judge with Righteous judgment
John 8:28 Jesus only said what God has instructed his to say.
John 8:39  if you are descendants of Abraham, do his deeds
John 8:42-47 Truth is of God, lies are of the devil, -Jesus is sinless
John 10:22-23- Jesus kept Hanukkah
John 10:37- If Jesus doesn't follow Torah, don't believe him
John 12:49- Jesus only Does as God has said
John 14:12 – If you have faith in Jesus, you are to do what he does.
John 14:15 If you love him you obey his commands
John-14:21- If you love him you obey his commands
John 15:10-Obey commands to remain in his love
John 16:1-3- Someday they will start killing people, thinking that they are doing God's will.
John 17:17- God’s word is Truth

Acts 6:10-15- False witnesses say Stephen And Jesus taught against Law
Acts 6:13- False witnesses say Stephen taught against God's Law
Acts 10:5- Prayers and gifts to the poor are offerings
Acts 10:17- peter was confused about the vision
Acts 10:28- Peter sees that the vision was about calling men unclean
Acts 10:34- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean
Acts 11- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean
Acts 13:42 -44-Sabbath for Jews & Gentiles, kept long after the Cross
Acts 15:21- Moses is preached every week in the synagogues
Acts 16:3 Paul circumcised Timothy
Acts 17:2 - Paul kept the Sabbath as his custom
Acts 18:4-Sabbath still kept after cross
Acts 18:18- Paul does a Vow
Acts 20:6 Paul still keeping the feasts of God ( unleavened bread)
Acts 20:7 -First day is Saturday night, Paul preached until midnight.
Acts 20:16 - Paul still keeping the feasts of God ( Pentecost/Shavuot)
Acts 21:17-26 - Paul Doing the Vow to show Law Submission
Acts 24:14- Believers Of Christ still a sect of Judaism
Acts 24:14-15-Paul Obeys God's Law
Acts 24:18- Paul is ceremonially clean
Acts 25:8-Paul doesn't Violate the Law's OR customs
Acts 26:4-5- Paul lived his life according to the strictest of Pharisaic teaching
Acts 28:17- Paul did not violate the customs of his ancestors
Acts 28:22- Still a sect of Judaism
Acts 28:23-Paul Teaches With Torah (God's Law/instructions)

Romans 2:20- The Law is Knowledge and Truth.
Romans 2:28-29-We are a Jew by our hearts.
Romans 3:31- Faith doesn’t nullify God's Law, but Establishes It
Romans 4:16- We are Abrahams seed
Romans 6:1-2-Sin so grace increases? NO!
Romans 6:15-Sin because we are under grace? NO!
Romans 7:12- God's Law is Holy Righteous and Good
Romans 7:13- Law didn't become death
Romans 7:14-Law is spiritual
Romans 7:22- Paul Loves God's Law
Romans 7:25- Paul is a slave to God's law-to which sin opposes
Romans 8:6- The Sinful mind can't please God
Romans 10:12 There is no difference between Jew and Gentile
Romans 11:13-17- We are grafted into Israel
Romans 13:9-10-All commands lumped into one.
Romans 14 Eating or no = Fasting days and types
Romans 15:4 All scriptures are for every believer.

1 Corinthians 5:7-8 Paul tells people to keep Passover
1 Corinthians 6:2 Judging the world.
1 Corinthians 7:19-All that matters Are God's commands
1 Corinthians 8:9-13- The weak in the faith issue is meat sacrificed to idols.
1 Corinthians 9:21- Paul admits he is under God's law
1 Corinthians 14:37-Paul writes the lords commandments

2 Corinthians 6:14-18- Command against being unclean

Galatians 3:17- Both covenants are dependent on each other
Galatians 3:21 The Law is NOT contrary to the promises of God
Galatians 3:29 - In Christ we are part of Abrahams seed, to follow Law.

Ephesians 2:19- We are grafted into Israel
Ephesians 3:6 - Gentiles are Israel
Ephesians 5:8-10 – Be in Light, which is Truth
Ephesians 5:27- Be holy and faultless
Ephesians 6:14- Belt of Truth, part of God’s armor

Colossians 2:8 - God's law is not based on traditions of men
Colossians  2:9- All Deity is In Christ
Colossians 2:17- Law is a shadow of what is to come

2 Thessalonians 2: Man of Lawlessness doomed for destruction.

2 Timothy 3:14-17- Sacred scriptures are good for rebuke, reproof, encouragement
2 Timothy 4:3-4-People turn from truth to itching ears doctrine.
2 Timothy 4:3-5- hold to the Truth

Titus 2:11-14- Grace teaches to deny lawlessness.

Hebrews 4:9-11-The Sabbath Remains don’t be disobedient
Hebrews  10:1- Law is a shadow of the good things to come
Hebrews 10:4- Sacrifices were never to take away sins
Hebrews  10:16- Law on hearts/New covenant
Hebrews 10:26-29-Lawlessness will be judges harshly
Hebrews 11:4- Sacrifices were before the law
Hebrews 11:27-29 Moses saved by Faith, not commands as some say.
Hebrews 13:8-Jesus Doesn't Change

James 1:17-God doesn't Change
James 1:25-Law is perfect and gives freedom
James 2:12-Speak and act like you are to be judged by the law that gives freedom.
James 2:19-20-Faith without deeds is dead
James 2:26-Faith without works is dead
James 4:17-To know good and refrain, is sin

1 Peter 1:1 Book written to Galatians.
1 Peter 1:15-16- Be Holy as HE is holy
1 Peter 1:22  Those that obey Truth are Pure- God's law is Truth
1 Peter 1:25 The Word of the Lord stands forever

2 Peter 3:10- Heaven and Earth have not Passed away yet
2 Peter 3:14- Heaven and earth have not passed away
2 Peter 3:14-17- Paul's writings are hard to understand, Interpreted as Lawlessness
2 Peter 3:17- Wicked = Greek: athesmos: one who breaks through the restraint of law and gratifies his lusts

1 John 2:3-4-If we say we love, but don't follow commands we're lying and don't have truth
1 John  2:6- Walk as Jesus Walked
1 John 3:4- Sin Is Lawlessness
1 John 3:24- God Writes His Law on our Hearts
1 John 4 - Test the spirits to see if they are of God
1 John 5:3- The Law Isn't a Burden, how we love God

2 John 1:4 Walk in the Truth
2 john 1:5-6  Love is keeping the Commandments

Revelation 2:26 -Overcomers guard words-do works and get authority over nations
Revelation 3:15-16- Because of works be hot or cold or Jesus Pukes you.
Revelation 5:8- Our Prayers are our Offerings
Revelation 8:3- Our prayers are our Offerings
Revelation 8:4- Our Prayers are our Offerings
Revelation 12:17-Satan hates those who follow the Law
Revelation 14:12- Keep the commands with faith in Jesus
Revelation 18:2 Unclean birds still unclean in end days
Revelation 21:1- When the new heaven and new earth appear
Revelation 21:27 No unclean or abomination in Kingdom
Revelation 22:14- Happy are command Keepers

Monday, September 17, 2012

One Of The Most Important Posts

I wish that I had more to give.

Tonight while driving home from work I saw a man without a shirt pushing a shopping cart. He was a really skinny man with out a shirt and I could tell that he is homeless. I've seen him a time or two before and I know it is the same guy because on his cart was a cross made out of some sticks tied together with a ratty bit of string. Every time I have seen this guy, I have looked at that cross on the cart that he pushes and have felt this strong desire to know more about him. 

As I was driving home from work I thought about a story that my former girlfriend had told me from when back we were dating.  She had told me about how she met a person who was homeless and how she raced home to get food and water and anything that she could find to give this person, praying that when she got back to her that she would still be there. I recalled how she shared the gospel with this woman. How she and her roommate sat and shared with her. How they hugged her.  I thought about that story as I was driving home tonight and passed this man pushing a cart with a make shift cross.  I flipped the car around because I had to talk to him.

I pulled into the nearest driveway and scrambled for any change that i had, any food that might be in there and I had this overwhelming need to give this stranger SOMETHING. It wasn't out of some sort of  sense of pity, but a near compulsion to re-enforce a part of the body in need.

I looked around my car and all I have, is a dollar forty five, and three empty Dr.Pepper $ coke cans.  I am not sure what to say to this guy, but I am feeling driven to talk to him." Homeless people like collect cans, that's my in" I think, so I grab them and walk over to talk to him.

He tells me his name is Larry as I ask about the cross. HE asks me if I am a christian and I tell him that I am. We make some conversation about how I have seen him around. I look at his lack of shirt and ask if he needs one. Larry pokes around in his cart and pulls out a few, as I was prepared to literally give him the one off my back. "Do you need a shirt?" I ask him realizing that my shirt would look like a tent over his lean wiry frame. I have to ask him, " Larry, how did you get here? What is your testimony?"

I was prepared for a story involving sin or drugs or some mistake. I was ready for some excuse or justification and what I heard surprised me.  The man spoke coherently and with conviction as he told me that as he read the bible, he felt led to give up everything.  Larry went on to talk about how he gave up everything to follow Christ and he walks the streets passing out christian literature. He says that he has set his sights on treasures in the world to come.  A pain hits his voice as he wonders aloud if he made some wrong choice somewhere.

" His yoke is easy and his burden in light... That's is what his word says. My life hasn't been easy. It hasn't been comfortable. I wonder if I made a mistake. "  My heart is torn at this. I look in the eyes of this man who looks like nothing by the standards of the world.  I look at this man with thick 70's glasses and thinning hair and my heart hurts. This man is more noble than many, and we as a people look on him as not. 

I ask him if he has a bible and he assures me that he does. After handing him the three cans and the dollar forty five I wished that I had more to give. I don't but I know who does. " can I pray with you larry?" I ask. The noble man with a heavy heart smile like a parched man receiving water. I placed my hand on his bare shoulder and I began to pour out my heart before God on his behalf. Praying blessings, Praying for provision, Praying for re-enforcements, Praying for opportunities to minister. You can't get much more in the trenches than that, where Larry is.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Day It Hit Me.

I have not always been... well... the most optimistic of people.

In fact, at some points in my life, I measured it by the times between storms.
Like, things would be going well for a little while, so like a sailor looks to the sky to see how the sea will fare the next day, I was waiting for the next thing to fall apart.

I used to define myself as a man of great endurance.  A lot has happened to me in and around my life.  I could sit here and cite a list of events and tragedies that all were terrible things.
I used to say that I have seen more by age 10 than some people see in their who lives, and that is true.

I remember a time in particular when I was a kid living in New Mexico. My parents had grounded me and I wasn't allowed to go play with my friends. Well, my parents weren't home so I saw that as a perfect opportunity to sneak out my window and go play. This plan was flawless until my brother was driving home from his job as a security officer and knew what was going on. He rolled down his window and told me to go home. I ignored him. HE parked his car, and got out, grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder and took me home. He asked me if I was going to comply and I am pretty sure I made some smart alec remark, because I've had a mouth since I was born. My brother shut the door to my room, and I crept right back out that window. I was out playing for a solid ten minutes before my brother came and found me and threw me over his shoulder and dragged me back home. " I can do this all day " I told him. That was when he put me in a sleeper hold and knocked me out.

Fast forward several years. It's Thanksgiving day and my brother and I are joking around in the living room. Well, joking turns to action and we began to wrestle. Now, He had studied martial arts and was a wrestler in highschool. I had just fought kids on the playground and in the halls in school. IT sounds like the clashing of Titans as we wrestle back and fourth. He finally gets me in the sleeper hold and he tells me

"tap out"

As he is choking me out, through guttural sounds I manage a gruff and loud, "No" . He laughs and reminds me that he has me. There is no getting out of this as he is making sure that I cannot get air. "Jay, you can't win... tap out. I won" In a captain Kirk-esk 'i don't believe in no win scenarios' I again growl out a defiant "Never". My peripheral vision is starting to go dark. I can see the black slowly fading in as I hear in the distance "STOP KILLING YOUR BROTHER AND COME EAT!!!"

One of the things that has stood out to others about me, is that I don't surrender on a lot of things. Some of that is plain old fashion stiff necked rebellion... but there is also another God given part to that.  There is something in me that sees certain things and I say, I am not going to break.

A man of great endurance.

That has been something that I have read about in places in the bible. I read about Peter enduring. I read about Joshua and David and there is a sense about them that has always stood out to me.
They endured hardships and what not.  Something about that spoke to me. Something about that, I identified with.

I was thinking about this, and my life long aspiration to punch a bear in the face...
I was thinking about this stuff and praying about it.

Then,  it hit me.

Endurance is only part of the call.

Endurance isn't the place where you stop. Some times it isn't enough that you're standing... It is how you are standing.  I'm talking about overcoming.

I'm not talking about surviving getting mauled by a proverbial bear. I am talking about standing there after you have kicked it in the groin and punched it in the throat.  Anyone can get mauled. Anyone can get tossed around by the waves during a storm. Surviving is good.
But I see more to it.

Stuff is going to fly at you. That is a promise. 
Stand stronger.
Stand firm with the Joy of salvation and the praise of God on your lips and say...

What is next.... Because with God, In Him... there is nothing that is going to stop me until everything fades to black.

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” - John 16

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?  This is the One who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not with the water only, but with the water and with the blood. It is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.- 1 john 5 

Yeah, we endure. We suffer together in life. We hurt in the world. Things do suck. But take heart people. Lift up your face.  Through Him, His sacrifice... We Will do more than endure the storm.. We'll get to that place where we rebuke it.

That is what I am hearing.
Don't just live half the plan.

passover notes

   Exodus 12 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, ‘On the tenth of this month they are each one to take a lamb for themselves,...