Sunday, February 9, 2025

scrap thoughts

 Gen 1 God 

gen 2 man 

gen 3- the bride and the fall....

God commands Adam, 

Adam is head over Eve

The serpent inverses this order

The serpent gives Eve the doctrine 

Eve eats 

Eve gives to Adam and he eats...

The authority dynamic shifts backwards away from what God established. 

In light of this... we see a direct parallel to the temptation of Christ in the wilderness. 

Satan tries to give Christ doctrine, 

Christ refuses the doctrine of the serpent 

Christ places GODS dominion back in right order.

I wonder about the Singular Plurality of God as Elohim and how we conceptualize people as Singular beings, but they consist of Mind, Body and Soul.

"Let us make man in Our own image "

Jeremiah 8

20“Harvest is past, summer is ended, And we are not saved.”

This may be rudimentary... but the reason that there are winter gaps in the Holy times is because all of the feasts parallel the seasons 

Meaning  that from the beginning we have time of growth and labor, but in the end, there will be death and destruction- and only what we have done will remain. 

The seasons themselves are a testament of the gospel- that death is coming for us all, but faithfulness and obedience in Christ will allow us to stand in the end. 

We are laborers in the field, in the harvest, at the end of the harvest- the separation of the wheat and the chaff and the tares...

Christ is the seed that the Spirit produces into fruit of the harvest.

Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone  isn't just adam stating that Eve came out of his side but is a statement of Marital naturalization into the family. 

This concept parallels gentiles to Israel 


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