Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Book of the Wars of the Lord

The Book of Wars of the Lord.

"In the year like 9000 B.C., The Lord called forth William Wallace from Waheb in Suphah, who lead an uprising against the cruel Todd of wadis of the Arnon, And the slope of the wadis That extends to the site of Ar, And leans to the border of Moab.”, who wishes to inherit the crown of Waheb in Suphah for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace's father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Waheb in Suphah. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Waheb in Suphah free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce. William Wallace yelled freedom and that there will be wars and rumors of wars. Thus concludes The Book of Wars of the Lord"

There it is. You've now read The Book of Wars of the Lord. It MUST be the long lost Book of Wars of the Lord. IT Just HAS to be authentic. Why? Because I said so. If you disagree, it MUST be because you're denying scripture as Numbers CLEARLY is referencing this text see:

Numbers 21:14-15

Therefore it is said in the Book of the Wars of the Lord,
“Waheb in Suphah,
And the wadis of the Arnon,
15 And the slope of the wadis
That extends to the site of Ar,
And leans to the border of Moab.”

There you have it. The Book of Wars of the Lord is 100% Authentic. This here proves it. It mentions "“Waheb in Suphah, And the wadis of the Arnon, And the slope of the wadis That extends to the site of Ar, And leans to the border of Moab" EXACTLY like Numbers does, so OBVIOUSLY  NUMBERS felt it important to quote it as authoritative. Plus you can clearly see that The Messiah quoted from it:

 Matt 24:6 You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.
So, you know, Yeshua CLEARLY believed that William Wallace was a prophet of God and that HE here is vouching for this text AS if it were scripture itself. NOW I'm sure that it was the Catholics or the Mormons that removed it from the Bible ... for some reason... probably because they don't want you rising up against the race of lizard people using gay bombs on the tap water. Now if you're trying to tell me that this is NOT the authentic Book of Wars of the Lord mentioned in scripture because this is only a paragraph ripped right from the IMDB of Braveheart with lines spliced in from Numbers, then you must be mistaken because at the time Numbers was written IMDB didn't exist.

Why does this post exist? This post was written expressly to highlight that there is a faction of people that are holding to the heretical book of Enoch and elevating it to the point of scripture, Many going so far as filtering their understandings of the scriptures themselves through the false books.
Many of these people go so far to justify what is at its core, adding and taking away from the word of God ( wittingly or not) by suggesting that Scripture points to the book we know as Enoch. By saying that Jude is quoting Enoch, and then citing a false book that was written years apart merely because they have similarity does not equal authenticity(also the "cited" text isnt even a whole verse).  Just because I say that the Savior and William Wallace both say that there will be wars and rumors of wars does not mean that A) William Wallace ever said that, and B) that even if he had, that the Messiah was referencing it to give it merit instead of stating an independent truth.

119 Ministries does an excellent job on this topic and points out that though Paul used a pagan poem about zeus to convey a Biblical concept, that in NO means canonizes the Pagan poem cited.
For more examples of Bad Logic, click this link

***Warning, this post is not a doctrine but an illustration of a faulty reasoning and should only be used as such****

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