Thursday, September 20, 2012

Categorized List of Scripture as pertaining to God's law

Genesis 2:1-3- The first Sabbath

Exodus 16:4-5- Sabbath Before the Law
Exodus 16:24-26- Sabbath before the Law
Exodus 20:8-11- Actual Sabbath Command
Exodus-31:13- Sabbath is Forever
Exodus-31:16 Sabbath is for Everyone
Exodus 31:17-Sabbath is a sign between God and Israel forever

Leviticus 23:1-3 The Sabbath is an appointed time of God
2 Kings 11:5-11 Guards on the Sabbath.

Nehemiah 10:31 Sabbath no buy or sell
Nehemiah 13:15-22 - safeguarding the Shabbat

Isaiah-56:2- Sabbath is blessing forever.
Isaiah 56:2-8 Foreigners on holy mountain, keep Sabbath, not separate
Isaiah-58:13-Don't go your own way on Sabbath
Isaiah 66:22-23-Sabbath is for ALL generations
Isaiah 66:22-24- New moon and Sabbath in heaven

Jeremiah17:19-27 Obey the Sabbath
Ezekiel-44:23-24- Keep the Law, Feasts, and Sabbaths

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God. (Sabbath is appointed)

Matthew-12:8- Jesus is lord (institutor) of the Sabbath (why would he abolish it)
Matthew-12:10-12- Jesus follows Commands of God by healing on the Sabbath
Matthew 24:20-21-The Sabbath will still be in effect at the end of Days

Mark-2:23-28- Jesus states specific parts of Torah are of Higher regard than others.

Luke-4:16- Jesus Kept the Sabbath, as his custom
Luke-13:10-16-Jesus upholds The Torah by healing on the Sabbath
Luke-14:1-5-Jesus again up holds Torah by healing on the Sabbath
Luke-23:52-56-After the Cross, people still kept Sabbath

John-5:8-10-It is Lawful to do Good on Sabbath

Acts 13:42-44-Sabbath for Jews & Gentiles, kept long after the Cross
Acts 18:4-Sabbath still kept after cross

Hebrews-4:9-11-The Sabbath Remains don’t be disobedient

Unchanging God:
Exodus-3:14- God doesn't Change

Numbers-23:19-God doesn't Change

1 Samuel-15:29-God doesn’t Change

Psalm 89:34-God refuses to Change his word
Psalms- 102:27- God doesn't Change

Isaiah 31:2 God doesn't retract his word
Isaiah 40:8- God’s word is forever

Malachi 3:6- God doesn’t change

Hebrews-13:8-Jesus Doesn't Change

James-1:17-God doesn't Change

Clean & Unclean:
Genesis 7:2- Noah knew the difference between clean and unclean long before the Law

Leviticus 11 – Dietary guidelines of what is and isn’t food

Deuteronomy 14- Dietary laws

Isaiah 65 - Swines flesh eating provokes God.
Isaiah 66:16-18- Judgments for eating swine’s flesh- Jesus destroys people

Acts 10:17- peter was confused about the vision
Acts 10:28- Peter sees that the vision was about calling men unclean
Acts 10:34- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean
Acts 11- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean

Romans 14:21- Weak in the faith eat veggies.

1 Corinthians 8:9-13- The weak in the faith issue is meat sacrificed to idols.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18- Command against being unclean

Leviticus 11:44 - be holy as he is holy

Psalms-119:9-11- how to keep Pure

Matthew 5:48 Be perfect and Jesus is perfect

1 Peter -1:15-16- Be Holy as HE is holy

Ephesians 5:27- Be holy and faultless

1 John- 2:6- Walk as Jesus Walked

Deuteronomy 6:5- Love God with all your heart
Deuteronomy- 6:4-9- Love neighbor as self
 Deuteronomy 11:13- Love God with all your heart and Soul

Leviticus-19:18-Love neighbor as self

Matthew-22:35-40-Jesus quotes the V'hafta ( you shall love…)

Mark 12:32-34 – Love is worth more than Sacrifice

John-14:15-If you love him you obey his commands
John-14:21- If you love him you obey his commands
John 15:10-Obey commands to remain in his love

Romans-7:22- Paul Loves God's Law

1 John 2:3-4-If we say we love, but don't follow commands we're lying and don't have truth

Wisdom/ Knowledge:
Psalm 51:6- Links truth to wisdom (see truth)

Hosea 4:6- Law Is Knowledge, perish for lack of it.

Romans-2:20- The Law is Knowledge and Truth.

Proverbs 6:23- The commands are a lamp, the teaching is light

Isaiah 8:20- Hold to the law and the testimony and you have light

John 3:20-21- Truth is light, and opposed to evil

Ephesians 5:8-10 – Be in Light, which is Truth

Psalm 25:4-6- God’s path is Truth
Psalm 26:2-4 – God’s path is Truth
Psalm 119:43- Truth is Law
Psalms-119: 160- Ordinances/laws are forever and equal truth
Psalms-119:163- Law is contrary to falsehood

Daniel 9:13- God’s Law is Truth

Isaiah 45:19- God’s word is Truth

Matthew 22:16- Jesus teaches truth

Mark 12:14- Jesus teaches truth, God’s ways

Luke 20:21- Jesus teaches truth

John 1:14 – Jesus is full of Grace and Truth-word made flesh
John 3:20-21- Truth is light, and opposed to evil
John 4:23-24 Worship in spirit and truth (see Spirit)
John 8:42-47- Truth is of God, lies are of the devil, -Jesus is sinless
John 17:17- God’s word is Truth

Acts 6:10-15- False witnesses say Stephen And Jesus taught against Law

Ephesians 5:8-10 – Be in Light, which is Truth
 Ephesians 6:14- Belt of Truth, part of God’s armor

Acts-6:13- False witnesses say Stephen taught against God's Law

Romans-2:20- The Law is Knowledge and Truth.

1 John 2:3-4-If we say we love, but don't follow commands we're lying and don't have truth

2 Timothy 4:3-5- hold to the Truth

The Spirit:
Exodus 35:30-32 Holy Spirit given before Acts

Numbers 11:24-30 Holy Spirit given before Acts
 Numbers 27:18 Holy Spirit given before Acts

Judges 3:10 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges 6:34 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges  11:29 Holy Spirit given before Acts
Judges 15:14 Holy Spirit given before Acts

1 Sam. 11:6 Holy Spirit given before Acts
1 Sam. 16:13 Holy Spirit given before Acts
 Nehemiah 9:30 Holy Spirit given before Acts

1 Peter 1:11 Holy Spirit given before Acts

Isa. 63:10 Israel had the Holy Spirit before Acts

Zech. 4:6 Testifies of the Holy Spirit

Romans 7:14-Law is spiritual

One Law:
Exodus-12:38- Mixed Multitude accepted the Law
Exodus 12:49- One Law for everyone
Exodus-19:8- Mixed Multitude agrees to walk in Gods Law

Numbers 9:14- One Law for every one
Numbers 15:15- One law for everyone, perpetually through generations
Numbers 15:16- One law for everyone
Numbers 15:29-One law for everyone

Deuteronomy 31:9-13 - The Law is for all people, Israel includes Alien

Ecclesiasties-12:13- Commands are for all

Matthew 15:24- Jesus only came for the lost sheep of Israel

Acts 10:17- peter was confused about the vision
Acts 10:28- The vision was about calling men unclean (God doesn’t separate gentiles)
Acts 10:34- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean (God doesn’t separate gentiles)
Acts 11- Peter states that his vision was about calling men unclean(God doesn’t separate gentiles)
Acts 15:21- Moses is preached every week in the synagogues ( In regard to Gentiles turning to God)
Acts-24:14- Believers Of Christ still a sect of Judaism
Acts-24:14-15-Paul Obeys God's Law
Acts-25:8-Paul doesn't Violate the Law's OR customs
Acts 26:4-5- Paul lived his life according to the strictest of Pharisaic teaching
Acts 28:17- Paul did not violate the customs of his ancestors
Acts-28:22- Still a sect of Judaism
Acts-28:23-Paul Teaches With Torah (God's Law/instructions)
Acts-24:18- Paul is ceremonially clean

1 Corinthians 7:19-All that matters Are God's commands
1 Corinthians 9:21- Paul admits he is under God's law

Romans 7:25- Paul is a slave to God's law-to which sin opposes
Romans-11:13-17- We are grafted into Israel
Romans 2:28-29-We are a Jew by our hearts.
Romans -4:16 We are Abrahams seed

Galatians 3:29- In Christ we are part of Abrahams seed.

Ephesians-2:19- We are grafted into Israel


Exodus-34:6-7- Saved by Grace

Psalms 49:2 Grace in the Old Testament
Psalms 84:11 Grace in the Old Testament
Psalms 86:5- Grace in the Old Testament
Psalms 103:4 – Grace in the old Testament
Psalms 103:11- grace in the Old Testament
Psalms 103:17 Grace in the Old testament
Psalms 130:4 – Grace is in the Old testament
Psalms 130:7- Grace in the Old testament
Proverbs 3:34- Grace in the old Testament

Isaiah 26:10- God shows Grace ( see NT )

Romans-6:1-2-Sin so grace increases? NO!
Romans 6:15-Sin because we are under grace? NO!

Titus-2:11-14- Grace teaches to deny lawlessness.

Ezra 9:8 - Grace in the Old Testament.


Genesis 15:6  -Abraham Saved through faith

Romans 3:31- Faith doesn’t nullify God's Law, but Establishes It

James 2:19-20-Faith without deeds is dead
James 2:26-Faith without works is dead

Law & Commands:
Genesis 26:5- Abraham Kept God’s law and commands

Deuteronomy -4:2- Don't add or take away from Commandments
Deuteronomy 5:29-33- Keep commands always, forever.
Deuteronomy 11:1- Keep the commands –ALWAYS
Deuteronomy-12:32- Don’t take or add to Commandments
Deuteronomy-30:11- We can do the Law
Deuteronomy-30:14- The Law is do-able

Joshua-1 :7- Do follow the Law and be successful
Joshua 1 :8- Do follow the Law and be successful

Psalm 1:1-2 –Blessed is the man who meditates on the Law

Psalm 19:7- Law is Perfect
Psalm 37:31- Law on hearts
Psalms 40:8- Delight in law, law on heart of David
Psalms 111:7-8-Precepts of God [Law] are forever and are just.
Psalms 119:1-Blessed are those who walk In the Law
Psalms 119:89- God's word is forever
Psalms 119: God’s testimonies/ordinances, last forever
Psalms 119: 160- Ordinances/laws are forever and equal truth
Psalms 119:44-45- Law is liberty
Psalm 119:81-88 David waits for salvation, as he holds to God’s law.

Proverbs - 28:9-Ignoring God's Law makes your prayers an abomination
Proverbs-29:18- The Law grants Vision
Proverbs-30:5-6-God's word is flawless

Isaiah-2:2-3- In the last Days, The Law will spread from Zion
Isaiah 5:24- destruction for those who violate the law.
Isaiah- 42:21- Lord is pleased in making the Law Great and Glorious
Isaiah- 42:24- God pours anger on those who violate God's law

Jeremiah- 7:21-23- God of Israel says to obey all that he commands
Jeremiah-31:33-God writes His Law on our hearts

Ezekiel-36:26-27-God writes His Law on our hearts

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.

Malachi-4:4-5- Remember and Keep the Law until Judgment day

Matthew-5:18- God's Law is Forever
Matthew-5:19- Those who break the law and teach others to are Least in kingdom
Matthew-23:23- Mercy Justice and faithfulness are part of law/Neglect nothing
Matthew 28:19-20 –Teach all that Jesus Commanded

Mark-7:6-9 Jesus Rebukes those who set aside the commands of God for sake of tradition
Mark7:13- Jesus rebukes Pharisees for holding tradition above commands

Luke-24:27- God's Torah points to Salvation

John-14:15-If you love him you obey his commands
John-14:21- If you love him you obey his commands
John 15:10-Obey commands to remain in his love

1 Corinthians 7:19-All that matters Are God's commands

Romans-7:12- God's Law is Holy Righteous and Good
Romans 7:13- Law didn't become death
Romans 13:9-10-All commands lumped into one.

Hebrews- 10:1- Law is a shadow of the good things to come
Hebrews 10:26-29-Lawlessness will be judges harshly

James 1:25-Law is perfect and gives freedom
James 2:12-Speak and act like you are to be judged by the law that gives freedom.

1 John-3:4- Sin Is Lawlessness
1 John-3:24- God Writes His Law on our Hearts
1 John-5:3- The Law Isn't a Burden, how we love God

1 Corinthians 14:37-Paul writes the lords commandments
Colossians 2:17- Law is a shadow of what is to come

Misc. :
Exodus-34:8-9- 1st Sinners Prayer

Numbers 6- Nazerite vow
Numbers 12:6-8- God speaks strait to Moses

Deuteronomy -8:3-Don't live on Bread Alone
Deuteronomy 14:26- God says drinking is ok
Deuteronomy- 18:18 God will raise a Prophet and put His words in his mouth (John 8:28)
Deuteronomy 27:2-3- All the commands were written in stone

Proverbs 31:6- 7- Let poor people drink

 Isaiah 66:21-23 – New Heaven and new earth

Jeremiah-10:2-5 - Christmas trees are pagan

Ezekiel 3:18- Warn people from sin, or their blood is on your hands
Ezekiel- 4:14-16 –Turd Bread, just as Peters Vision

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.

Malachi 2:3- God spreads crap on faces of false

Luke–1:43- Baby’s in a womb… baby is alive.

Matthew-7:13-14-Enter thought the Narrow gate.
Mathew 11:30- Jesus has a light yoke
Matthew-22:35-40-Jesus quotes the V'hafta
Matthew-24:35- Heaven and earth will pass away but not His words

Mark 7:21-22- The heart is Deceitful

John 5:19 Jesus only does as his father does
John 16:1-3- Someday they will start killing people, thinking that they are doing God's will.

Acts 20:7-First day starts Saturday night, Paul preached until midnight.
Acts-18:18- Paul does a Vow (see Numbers 6)to show he doesn't teach against Law

Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful

Romans-8:6- The Sinful mind can't please God

Colossians- 2:9- All Deity is In Christ

2 Timothy-3:14-17- Sacred scriptures are good for rebuke, reproof, encouragement
2 Timothy 4:3-4-People turn from truth to itching ears doctrine.

James-4:17-To know good and refrain, is sin

2 Peter- 3:14-17- Paul's writings are hard to understand, Interpreted as Lawlessness (Niv)

2 Peter- 3:10- Heaven and Earth have not Passed away yet
2 Peter 3:14- Heaven and earth have not passed away

Revelation 21:1- When the new heaven and new earth appear
Revelation-2:26-Overcomers guard words-do works and get authority over nations
Revelation-22:14- Happy are command Keepers

Deuteronomy 29:9-15- Covenant made with people who were not there.

Jeremiah 32:40- The New covenant

John 8:39 - if you are descendents of Abraham, do his deeds

Romans -4:16- We are Abrahams seed
Romans-11:13-17- We are grafted into Israel

Galatians 3:29- In Christ we are part of Abrahams seed.
Galatians 3:17- Both covenants are dependant on each other

Ephesians-2:19- We are grafted into Israel

Hebrews- 10:16- Law on hearts/New covenant

Leviticus 7:16- you can give just because you feel like it. (Sacrifice)

1 Samuel 15:22 – It is better to obey God than to sacrifice

Hosea 6:6- God desires obedience more than sacrifice

Zechariah-14:16-21- Sacrifices in the millennial kingdom

Mark 12:32-34 – Love is worth more than Sacrifice

Acts 10:4 - Prayers and gifts to the poor are offerings
Acts-18:18- Paul does a Vow (see Numbers 6)
Acts 21:17-26 - Paul Doing the Vow to show Law Submission
Acts-24:18- Paul is ceremonially clean

Revelation-5:8- Our Prayers are our Offerings
Revelation- 8:3- Our prayers are our Offerings
Revelation-8:4- Our Prayers are our Offerings

Hebrews 11:4- Sacrifices were before the law
Hebrews-10:4- Sacrifices were never to take away sins

Leviticus 26:41- Circumcise your heart

Deuteronomy 10:16- Circumcised Hearts
Deuteronomy 30:6- God will circumcise your heart

Jeremiah 4:4- Circumcised hearts

Acts 16:3 Paul circumcised Timothy

Romans 2:28-29-We are a Jew by our hearts.

Prophecy :
Isaiah-2:2-3- In the last Days, The Law will spread from Zion
Isaiah 5:24- destruction for those who violate the law.
Isaiah-56:6-8- Sacrifices in the millennial Kingdom
Isaiah 24:5-Violation of God's law spoils the land
Isaiah 65 - Swines flesh eating provokes God.
Isaiah 66:16-18- Judgments for eating swine’s flesh- Jesus destroys people
Isaiah 66:21-23 – New Heaven and new earth
Isaiah 66:22-24- New moon and Sabbath in heaven

Jeremiah-31:33-God writes His Law on our hearts
Jeremiah 32:40- The New covenant

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.

Zechariah-14:16-21- Sacrifices in the millennial kingdom

Malachi-4:4-5- Remember and Keep the Law until Judgment day

Revelation 21:1- When the new heaven and new earth appear

God Tests Hearts:
Exodus 16:4- God tests Israel to see if they will follow Commands
Exodus 20:20- God tests men to keep them from sin

Deuteronomy8:2- God tests Israel to see if they will follow commands
Deuteronomy 8:16- God tests Israel to see if they will obey commands

Judges2:22- God tests Israel to see if they will obey commands
Judges 3:1- God tests Israel
Judges 3:4 -God tests Israel to see if they will obey commands

2 Chronicles 32:31- God tests people to see what is in their hearts

Ezekiel 4:14-16 –Turd Bread, just as Peters Vision

 Jesus & The Law of God:
Psalms 118:14 king David knows that Jesus is the way to salvation
Psalms-119:166- David hopes for salvation, as he delights in commandments
Psalms 130 King David looks forward to the Salvation of Christ
Psalm 119:81-88 David waits for salvation, as he holds to God’s law.

Isaiah-42:1-4-Jesus Came to uphold Law

Deuteronomy- 18:18 God will raise a Prophet and put His words in his mouth (John 8:28)

Daniel-7:25- Antichrist seeks to change the Laws and appointed times of God.

Matthew- 5:17-19-Jesus didn’t abolish Law, Those saying he did will be called least
Matthew 5:48 Be perfect and Jesus is perfect
Matthew-7:21-23- Depart workers of Lawlessness, I don't know you
Mathew 11:30- Jesus has a light yoke
Matthew 12:1-5-Jesus Clarifies an Oral tradition and Torah ( king David, Wheat)
Matthew 15:24- Jesus only came for the lost sheep of Israel ( Includes gentiles)
Matthew-22:35-40-Jesus quotes the V'hafta
Matthew-23:2-3- Obey Scribes and Pharisees but don’t be a hypocrite
Matthew-23:23- Mercy Justice and faithfulness are part of law/Neglect nothing
Matthew-24:35- Heaven and earth will pass away but not His words
Matthew 28:19-20 –Teach all that Jesus Commanded

Mark-2:23-28- Jesus states specific parts of Torah are of Higher regard than others.
Mark-7:6-9 Jesus Rebukes those who set aside the commands of God for sake of tradition
Mark7:13- Jesus rebukes Pharisees for holding tradition above commands

Luke 6:40- No Disciple is above his Teacher (Jesus submits to God’s word)
Luke-16:29-31-If you don't follow Moses, Why would you Jesus.
Luke-24:44- Torah Points to Jesus

John 1:14 – Jesus is full of Grace and Truth-word made flesh (see truth)
John 5:46-47- Jesus Preached Moses (Law)
John 7:16- Jesus' teachings are God's teachings
John 8:28 Jesus only said what God has instructed his to say.
John 10:37- If Jesus doesn't follow Torah, don't believe him
John 12:49- Jesus only Does as God has said
John 14:12 – If you have faith in Jesus, you are to do what he does.

Revelation-3:15-16- Because of works be hot or cold or Jesus Pukes you.
Revelation 12:17-Satan hates those who follow the Law
Revelation-14:12- Keep the commands with faith in Jesus

...This is an on going work in progress

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